Uh, Shakira, what’s that down by your foot? (via Instagram)

MIAMI — The internet has been buzzing with speculation about what exactly is that bright violet  shaped thing in the photo Miami Beach girl Shakira posted to Instagram.
Seriously, what is it? Because it looks like a big toy!
And, folks in every language have been posting and talking about it since the Try Everything singer put up the picture.
The image Shakira meant to post was benign, she’s taking a break from recording by painting her toenails.
You can see, she’s kicked off her boots, and she’s sitting on what looks like a towel, so she doesn’t get nail polish on the white leather couch.

Since she’s being so careful, it is hard to imagine how she could forget to put away that big, shaped object on the table near her left foot.
That is, of course, unless that object isn’t a  toy, and instead is something much more PG-rated, like a reflection of the violet lights.
But, nothing’s minute enough to escape the attention of Internet speculators, so the controversy in the international media wages on!

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